Children, pregnant women, older persons and their supplements

Dibar Blog

Children, adults, pregnant women and supplements

The world's population, mostly in North America and Europe, is more than busy solving issues related to their health, such as paying attention to their weight, fitness and improving their immune system. But what are they looking for?


Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, botanical supplements and probiotics are the main products consumers are looking for to improve the aforementioned aspects and, surprising or not, there is finally more attention being given to supplementation by segments: children, infants, adults, pregnant women and seniors.

This is why the dietary supplement industry, as of 2022, has a market value of almost USD 142 billion dollars, where it is projected that until 2028 this amount will increase by 8.4% each year.


What other factors are driving growth?

Sedentary lifestyles of consumers lead to lifestyle-related diseases and particularly in patients with obesity, the greatest changes in daily living habits have been reported.

To this we add the increase in consumer income, plus a geriatric segment that continues to grow and public health initiatives in the areas mentioned at the beginning of this article to combat diseases caused by a bad lifestyle, mainly sedentary and without healthy habits in terms of nutrition, physical exercise and appearance care.

A clear example of a greater awareness of habits and at the same time with a greater purchasing power are the registrations in gyms and also in nutrition clubs and not only in Europe and North America, also in Asia and Latin America there has been an interesting increase from 2020.


So who wants what?

Here vitamins reign supreme, why? Because brands customize each product to the need of their different segments and push them with marketing strategies to persuade consumer choices.

Parents are increasingly concerned about their nutrition, both for their babies and toddlers and for infants and school-age children. This is why this segment is the most influential in the searches and purchases generated in this industry because, in addition to seeking better habits for themselves, they are responsible for and are the main investors in the health of children and infants segments.


And returning to the subject of marketing, we consider it important to mention the influence that various public figures have on consumer choices.

Let's talk about moms, who in addition to consulting their doctors, nutritionists and even physical activity instructors, follow advice for skin care and health care during their pregnancy process. This segment is important and is also attributed an interesting part in terms of demand for food supplements.


But the advantage for the leaders in the geriatric products industries is the increasing diseases for this segment. And there is no denying the needs that these particular consumers have and continue to develop. So this segment is also considered one of the main segments for global brands to bet on to develop products that address such needs.

The COVID-19 pandemic gave us life lessons that have transformed our habits and have led us to diversify our work; from the famous and already common homeoffice to online sales, a topic that until five years ago was a taboo among the older segments. With this we want to mention the influence that the digital era has on our daily life habits and, therefore, on our consumption habits, since we consider that we are increasingly closer to absolutely everything.

Digitalization, from the perspective of mental health experts, comes to harm people's emotional well-being due to social pressure and desires to lifestyles that are difficult to achieve. It has been shown that emotional situations directly harm the immune system and, consequently, the health of users. For this reason, different brands are opting for marketing campaigns that promote the care of mental health on a par with physical health, and we believe that, far from being strategic campaigns, they are responsible campaigns that will bring full benefits to those who choose to consume them.

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